Manaka Shimizu
27 | ♀ | Not interested
Abrasive Academic • Echo Bearer • Treasure Hunter
Born in a small village within the valleys of Othard, Manaka grew up with the general idea that the outside world was bad and should be shunned. It was not until a Hyuran traveller came to the village with tales and outside treasures that Manaka found herself enamoured with finding out more for herself. When she told her parents and brother, however, she was met with resistance. This was a time where Manaka steeled herself to no longer adjusting herself to please other people around her, but instead do what she wanted to do.So... discontent with their disapproval, Manaka -- a girl of sixteen summers at the time -- packed up most of her belongings and essentials, then headed out in the dead of night. In her act of deserting the village, she took one of the hunting falcons to provide as transportation for a while. Once in Kugane did Manaka resolve to shed the falcon of its barding to either fly back home or fly freely as she booked a ferry to Eorzea with whatever money she had scrounged up.Little did she know, however, that she would meet two people who would be considered rather important to her; a Miqo'te by the name of Aja Nagano, and an albino Xaela girl, Yisun Kha. It was here that Manaka decided to help Yisun in taking care of Aja, as the man had been grievously wounded.In time, Manaka became a valued ally of the Wayfarer's Rest, despite the fact that the three of them spent a lot of time in Eorzea rather than Hingashi. Even if Manaka went her separate way from both Aja and Yisun, she kept in contact with them via linkpearl as she explored the lands of Vylbrand, Aldenard, and Coerthas.Settling in Thanalan for some time, as it offered some of the more exciting studies and explorations for her, Manaka eventually started taking on hunt bills and provisioning expeditions for the Immortal Flames. With them, she utilised her aetheric power to defend and fight for them on perilous ventures at times. Due to this, Manaka was able to become one of few for consideration to wield a Summoner soul crystal with the trust that she would use its arts responsibly.With this new privilege, Manaka's thirst for knowledge only grew. While she was interested in the star at large, she directed a lot of her focus into aetheric studies and the art of summoning. This brought her to Vylbrand to the Arcanist's Guild to learn more of the public access reservoir of knowledge. Scouring book after book, and learning many things about the art of summoning and shaping aether, Manaka started to understand herself and her capabilities much more intimately as well.In her studies and travels around Eorzea, Manaka came across Jaydin Byrd -- a roguish type who seemed decent enough at applying honey to her words. However, Manaka seemed to regard her with caution as they worked together to run an expedition through the Wanderer's Palace to look for information on the Nymian Marines. In this, however, Manaka and Jaydin were able to work together rather well... not to mention that Jaydin's own use of aether seemed to pique Manaka's interest as well.The two of them became friends after their time in Vynbrand. With how the two were able to look out for one another and even prevent one another from getting hurt, the two started to share more mutual respect and trust between one another. Eventually, Manaka learned that Jaydin had requested a venture with her because Jaydin wished to recruit Manaka into the Starry Knights; a vigilante group that worked under the guise of owning a café in the Mist.Manaka accepted this offer, curious to see what this would mean for her. Even if she did not fully expect to take on a job as a server or waitress at the Garden, she puts on a front while offering her alchemic and aetheric knowledge upon the table for the other Knights when they have to do work. Due to this and her relations with the Wayfarer's Rest by proxy of Aja Nagano and Yisun Kha, she acts as a liaison between the Rest and the Starry Knights due to their shared values.Since her time as a Knight, Manaka has seemingly had less time to do any raiding of ruins, or spelunking... but she has actually been enjoying the other opportunities that being with the Knights seems to offer. Especially when it means travelling Eorzea or the rest of the star.
Khara Shuurga
An old friend met back in the Azim Steppe as Manaka was making her way away from her village, Khara and Manaka made positive impressions upon one another that lasted a long while. At the time, Manaka learned that Khara was looking for her brother, who had disappeared. Manaka is on the lookout for this brother of hers while she travels around and helps out the Starry Knights.
Jaydin Byrd
One of the co-owners to the Starry Garden as well as the leader of the Starry Knights, Manaka does what she can to help provide for them as well as works as staff in the Garden.Jaydin was met during a business venture that saw her in Ul'dah. Jaydin had approached Manaka at one point during their mutual visit in the Hall of Flames that saw them visiting job opportunities. While their goals were not the same, Jaydin eventually asked Manaka about how long she had been doing jobs for the Immortal Flames and apparently heard about her exploits. Before long, Manaka was invited to the Starry Garden for a job opportunity -- which was a good opportunity to see what the Black Shroud had to offer in terms of jobs and ventures.Coming to rather enjoy the Black Shroud for its scenery, Manaka sought out the Starry Garden, and found herself perhaps more enamoured by the scenery within the housing district. It was then that Manaka decided that it would be good for her to accept the job opportunity proposed to her by Jaydin. Since then, the two, while having some opposing personalities, have become relatively good friends.
Myrddin Wynn
One of the co-owners to the Starry Garden, Manaka does what she can to help provide for them as well as works as staff in the Garden.Manaka mostly knows of Myrddin as Jaydin's husband... though sometimes that is all she wished she knew at times. Myrddin's love for dad jokes and puns seems to illicit none too positive emotions from Manaka. Though it seems that both Manaka and Myrddin can share in playful banter that some people would not be able to see as playful coming from Manaka's end.
Aumeric Greystone
A former knight of House Jervaint in Ishgard, Aumeric met Manaka during his stay in Limsa Lominsa, where he was working on an investigation regarding a murder. Manaka had snooped in on this investigation that Aumeric was spearheading, and had casually informed him that the spirit she spoke with revealed his brother as the culprit.Of course, she was met with scepticism at first, but when it all came out as true, Aumeric pursued Manaka to ask her to use her particular gift of the Echo to help him in solving investigations like that one. She declined.However, Aumeric's persistence eventually led Manaka to offering it when she was in the area and it could have been of use. Especially since it seemed Aumeric was not actually incompetent. She saw his logic work in its own ways.Since then, the two have had a mutual understanding of one another, and Manaka tends to continue to do her own thing. For now, she is an ally to Aumeric... so long as she gets her cut for whatever wayward investigation she has a hand in.
Alto Stratus
A former co-worker at the Starry Garden, Manaka finds some amusement in the fact that Alto seems to be terrified of her. Though Manaka does not really hold any significant interest in being friends, she does find amusement in whatever Alto's fear of her manifests itself in.Though it seems that Alto has left for other ventures on Hydaelyn, Manaka seems to hold no significant opinion on his return or not. Regardless, she has no negative things to say.
Primam Chorus
An interesting woman that resides in Hingashi, Manaka is surprised by Primam's resourcefulness as well as her diligence in getting things done after hearing that it was most of her efforts that saw the Black Snow Museum being realised. There is a respect for Primam, though the two do not often get the chance to converse with one another often.Though Primam was not at the forefront of her mind in her travels, she delivered news of her whereabouts to Jaydin, which then met Primam's brother, Tandem, who resides at the Garden for the time being.
Tandem Chorus
Primam's brother, and one of the other workers at the Starry Garden, Manaka finds herself not as fond of Tandem as she is of his sister. Tandem comes across as arrogant and sometimes ignorant -- though Manaka does not realise that she is not far from the truth when it comes to the latter. Despite his shortcomings, Manaka does have to admit that he is a talented fighter that serves as a boon to the Starry Knights.Tandem is part of the Garden staff that Manaka sometimes manages.Manaka felt morally obligated to tell Jaydin about Tandem's sister. Though she did not tell him herself, Tandem has shown his appreciation in the news all the same.
U'rahla Tia
Manaka views U'rahla as a nuisance and a bother. His over the top optimism and positivity rubs Manaka the wrong way as he attempts to make every situation a good situation. Admittedly, this is something that would not bother Manaka as much, though when it is applied to every little thing, that is when Manaka has her more grounded, and realistic cynicism see U'rahla as being someone to be knocked down a peg.
Rinh'zi Beatha
A stray found in Ul'dah by Jaydin when she was out there for one of her business ventures -- so it is said, anyway. Manaka isn't really a fan of how Rinh'zi conducts himself, but as long as he's not being a nuisance around her, she can tolerate his presence.Rinh'zi is part of the Garden staff that Manaka sometimes manages.
Rina Sabine
One of the newer faces to the Starry Garden and to the Knights as a whole, there is not much that Manaka really knows about Rina at this current time other than she is one of Auemric's current assistants in helping with his investigations if anything ever comes up. At current, Manaka has really only discovered that Rina draws, much like Tandem does.Rina is part of the Garden staff that Manaka sometimes manages.
Qara Daznik
A Xaela of the Steppe, Manaka is not sure what to really make of Qara's competitive nature -- especially seeing as Manaka sees being competitive as a distraction or pointless in many cases. However, she does seem to commend the fact that it seems Qara waits before acting in such cases where the Knights are active.Qara is part of the Garden staff that Manaka sometimes manages.
Yarothgar Korvasch
A friend of the Wayfarer's Rest -- more specifically, someone at the Wayfarer's Rest. Not too much is known to Manaka about Yarothgar other than he's happy to do some of the more laborious tasks around the Garden as well as has the trust of the Knights, despite not really being a Knight himself. Manaka honestly is not really sure what to make of that entirely, though holds her tongue of judgement for now.Yarothgar is part of the Garden staff that Manaka sometimes manages.
Iwa Ittetsu
Found (rescued?) from Garleans in the South Shroud, Manaka and a handful of the other Knights had found Iwa surrounded in a dilapidated shack not far from Buscarron's Druthers following an investigation. It did not take long for Manaka and the others to learn that Iwa chooses not to talk for her very own valid reasons.While not forcing Iwa to come back with the Knights to the Garden, Iwa eventually agreed after providing questions for everyone to answer. It is back at the Garden where Manaka has chosen to teach Iwa how to utlise sign language in order to communicate with others outside of writing down everything in her notebook.Manaka has since shown Iwa around the Garden, and has even showed her that she has free range of rooms to pick from while staying.
Echo (Speak to the Dead)
Manaka is a bearer of the Echo, and is able to communicate with the dead whose souls have not returned to the aether. She cannot control when she is able to commune with these spirits, though it typically happens whenever she picks up something of significant value to someone else who has passed away, or has had someone pass away.
Jobs from the Immortal Flames
Since coming to the lands of Eorzea, Manaka has since taken up jobs that are posted with the Immortal Flames, if only because Ul'dah houses the Thaumaturge's Guild, and she finds herself in need of knowledge of magical studies. She can often be found at the Hall of Flames looking at the hunting bills, or taking care of Immortal Flames specific deliveries.
Sign Language, No Problem
Sign language is one of the only things that it seems Manaka can't really understand with her Echo. So she has devoted a lot of her time to learn both Hingan and Eorzean sign language. She is capable of speaking in sign language in either sign dialect, and can help those that are mute or deaf communicate better with those who are not.
Soul of the Summoner
Since devoting a lot of her time with jobs listed from the Immortal Flames in Ul'dah since coming to the lands of Aldenard, Manaka has since been entrusted with a Summoner Soul Crystal from one of the commanding officers of the Immortal Flames after her mastery over aetherical practises have put her a cut above the rest.
Starry Knight
Since her time in Eorzea, Manaka has become a member of the Starry Knights, not that she makes this public knowledge. A lot of her work as a Starry Knight is to gather information and any morsels of interest from those around.
Treasure Hunter
Influenced by stories that managed to get her out of her village in the first place, Manaka finds a thrill in being able to go on the hunt for treasure. Manaka is always happy to look in the Ul'dahn markets for treasure maps of any kind -- whether they be from Eorzea itself, or take her back to the lands of Hingashi, Doma, and Othard.
Hiya, here are some things to keep in mind for roleplay! :)
I am a 21+ RPer. Just so I don't have to update it constantly, I was born February of 1992.
Manaka's a jerk and sometimes hard to get along with IC, though I don't share her views OOC! I'd actually recommend talking to me first as I am before RPing with Manaka. XD;; She can be difficult!
I don't play with people that god mod/god mode. If I so much as catch a hint of it, I'm more than happy to drop the RP.
I don't share my Discord! Sorry, I'm just a relatively private person. You're more than free to message me in game whenever, though!
Manaka isn't interested in any relationships. If it feels like she is being forced into one, I'll likely drop the RP as well. :');;
Knights Sheet
Height :: 5'1"
Race :: Raen Au Ra
Current Stars :: 0★
Dynamis Points :: 0
Weight :: 118 pnz.
Job :: Summoner
Spent Stars :: 195★
Attributes →
Health :: ♥♥♥♥♥STR :: ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
DEX :: ◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
CON :: ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
ATR :: ◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇
WIS :: ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
INT :: ◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇
CHA :: ◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
Skills →Alchemist ◆◇◇◇◇
Association: WisdomFending for herself and having a penchant for applying the things she has learned both out in the wild and through reading books, Manaka has taken to the art of chemistry so that she might create potions, tonics, brews, and salves. However, her knowledge and creations can also benefit those around her even if learned for her own benefit to see her through her travels.Manaka gains a bonus to succeeding at creating potions or salves when under duress in the field and should she have the ingredients.Analytically Focused ◆◇◇◇◇
Association: IntelligencePuzzles and formulas are fun for Manaka in some respect of it all. Treasure hunting and spelunking often come with puzzles, all which prove excellent for flexing her grey matter in getting them figured out. If something can be figured out with deductive reasoning or other logically sound solutions, Manaka is quite excited to try her hand at them.In the face of challenging puzzles where others might find themselves at a loss, Manaka can rise to the occasion and attempt her hand at figuring out the puzzle before her. In combat, Manaka can use her analytically inclined mind to see weaknesses in the enemy movements or patterns.Straight Faced ◆◇◇◇◇
Association: CharismaThe burden of having to deal with people is a burden that Manaka does not often find herself wanting. She has had to deal with a disappointing family that worked to stifle her freedoms and desires, and she finds herself so very tired of the very thought of being a people pleaser. This has unfortunately resulted in the 'resting bitch face' syndrome and a dry delivery in her words. Try seeing if she's lying or telling the truth. Can you even tell if what she said about the hidden treasure buried in the neighbour's yard is true or not?Characters have difficulty reading Manaka's expressions, making it difficult to determine if she is lying or genuine. This can work for or against her, pending on the scenario and who she is dealing with.Magical Elements (SMN) ◆◆◇◇◇
Association: AetherThough Manaka has been entrusted by the Immortal Flames to help revive the art of Allagan Summoning, she showed her potential and command with the elements first and foremost as a Thaumaturge. She can manipulate destructive forces against her enemies by utilising her large pool of aether and bending it to her will. Now, with the art of Allag Summoning at her disposal, it seems that shaping aether to her whims flows that much easier.Spells and all of Manaka's summons' spells and abilities are affected by how many pips are allocated into this skill.Void Touched (RPR) ◆◇◇◇◇
Association: WisdomThe pursuit of knowledge with only books has always been something that Manaka has scorned to some extent. Books are useful, yes... but first-hand knowledge is always better. At least... that was what Manaka thought. But now, it seems that her excessive studies and dabbling with forces has seen her come to the reluctant and rather odd companionship of a voidsent who has lent her their power in exchange for rich aether.When Manaka wields the scythe bestowed upon her by her avatar, she accepts the boon he has given her as well. Once per combat session, Manaka can summon upon her avatar's power for xd4 (xd6 on critical success) turns based on pip allocation if she succeeds a WIS save roll of 12. If she fails the WIS save, the avatar will take control of the situation and may even try to feed on the aether of allies. If Manaka critically fails, her own aether is consumed, leaving her in a fatigued state for xd4 turns based on pip allocation.Specialties →Summoning
Association: AetherManipulating aether was always something Manaka excelled at -- even when she lived back home within her quiet village town in Othard. She has since been using it to her own aid and use since leaving, and only becoming better and better at it as she travels around the Star. Using it to Summon things like Egis and Carbuncles seems to come as easily as breathing itself. Currently, Manaka’s favoured summons are her Sapphire Carbuncle, Sora, and the fiery Ifrit-Egi.Pooling her vast amounts of aether, Manaka can call upon her major summons to aid in the face of combat. She must succeed an ATR check of 15 in order to summon anything other than Sora to combat. if Manaka critically fails, Manaka is deprived of her aether and is afflicted with the Drowsy status.